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Food System, Resiliency


Chicago Anaerobic Digester, Urban Farm Project Secures Final Funding for $32M Campus


The urban farm will grow an estimated 26,000 pounds of food per year for distribution in the community, which is considered a food desert.


This project is getting a lot of attention because it is an example of a multi-benefit circular economy project to improve a traditionally underserved neighborhood, Green Era Sustainability Co-Founder and CEO Jason Feldman said. (WasteDive, Aug. 2020)


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An organic farm in Havana, Cuba, that produces outputs averaging 20 kilograms (44 pounds) per square meter per year without agrochemical inputs. Miguel Altieri, CC BY-ND.

How Urban Agriculture Can Improve Food Security in US Cities


“Can Oakland’s urban farmers learn from Cuba? Although urban agriculture has promise, a small proportion of the food produced in cities is consumed by food-insecure, low-income communities. Many of the most vulnerable people have little access to land and lack the skills needed to design and tend productive gardens.”


Read the full piece:

(The Conversation, Feb. 2019)

Vertical Garden.jpg

Growing Greens in the Spare Room as 'Vertical Farm' Start-Ups Flourish


“Dan Albert’s farm is far from traditional. There are no picturesque, rolling fields, no tractors tilling soil; there is no white farmhouse or red barn. For that matter, there is no soil, or sunlight.”


Read on here: (NYTimes, June 2016)


In-store herb farming takes off in the Netherlands.

Courtesy of Hort News.

In-store herb farming takes off in the Netherlands


“A new craze of instore farming has taken off in The Netherlands where customers can pick their favourite herbs from [The Netherlands’ biggest supermarket chain]. Customers can pick only a few sprigs or the entire plant, depending on what they want.”


Read the full story:

(Hort News, Jan. 2017)

How Food Waste is Helping Power Greenhouses | Earth Lab


A British tomato grower buys wasted fruits and vegetables to produce energy for his greenhouse, and CO2 to increase tomato yield. According to the UN, an estimated one-third of all food is lost or wasted worldwide as it moves from where it is produced to where it is eaten, even as more than 800 million people are undernourished.


Watch Video:

(BBC Earth Lab, ~4 min. video, 2018)


Taking A Bite Out of Food Waste in Bristol


“Bristol has seen a remarkable increase in food waste collections since it implemented an attention-grabbing new communications campaign...In all, the trial cost around £3 a household, and the city-wide campaign only £1, meaning the costs will be paid back within a year thanks to avoided disposal costs.”


Read the full story:

(Resource, June 2019)


The Danish Food Park That Wants to Nourish the World


“An agricultural park outside the city of Aarhus is a proving ground for the future of food innovation and urban farming...the park’s aim to foster intense agricultural collaboration in a location that fuses rural and urban is what makes it particularly groundbreaking.” Read more in this CityLab piece.


Read the full story:

(CityLab, Nov. 2016)

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